Elephant and Friends Story for Kids with Moral in English

          Are you finding some interesting story for your child? If you want to teach your children some important lesson about friendship, then you have come to the right place. The name of the story is Elephant and Friends Story. These important friends are going to learn about how friends are important in our important life. How to stay with them? A good friend is hard to find and lucky to have? Elephant and Friends Story is one of the most beautiful stories for your child. After reading this, our child now wants the value of friendship. In this Elephant and Friends Story, the elephant loves to make friends and every animal loves him because of his friendly nature.

What kids are going to learn from this Elephant and Friends Story?

          From Elephant and Friends Story, a child is going to learn so many things about friendship and how to make new friends. It is very important for the new generation.

What Are the Characters In Elephant and Friends Story?

1. Elephant Named Ella.

This image is about "Elephant".

           Ella is a kind and gentle elephant with a big heart. She is loved by all the jungle animals for her friendly and helpful nature. Ella enjoys sharing and is always the first to offer a helping hand to her friends.

2. Monkey Named Max

This image is about "Monkey".

          Max is a clever and agile monkey who loves to swing from trees. He is quick and enjoys gathering fruits, like mangoes, for the picnic. Max is energetic and playful, adding fun to the group.

3. Parrot Named Polly

This image is about "Parrot".

          Polly is a cheerful and talented parrot with a gift for singing. She brightens up the picnic with her sweet songs and brings joy to everyone with her vibrant personality.

4. Turtle Named Tommy

This image is about "Turtle".

          Tommy is a wise and old turtle known for his interesting stories. Though he moves slowly, he shares his wisdom and fascinating tales gracefully, making him a respected and beloved friend.

5. Butterfly

This image is about "Butterfly".

           The butterfly is a small, colorful creature who initially feels lonely but is welcomed to the picnic by Ella. The butterfly brings a bouquet of vibrant flowers, adding beauty to the gathering. The butterfly enjoys participating in the games and activities, making the day even more special.

The Elephant and Friends Story for Kids with Moral in English

This image is about "The Elephant and Friends Story".

          Once upon a time, in a lush, green jungle, there was a kind and gentle elephant named Ella. Ella was loved by all the animals in the jungle for her big heart and friendly nature. She was always the first to lend a helping hand and share her warmth with others.

          One beautiful sunny morning, Ella decided it was the perfect day for a picnic. She wanted to share the joy of the day with her friends. So, she sent out invitations to her closest companions: Max, the clever monkey who loved to swing from the trees; Polly, the cheerful parrot with a talent for singing; and Tommy, the wise old turtle who always had interesting stories to tell.

          The friends gathered under a gigantic, shady tree that had a great view of the jungle. Ella had prepared a feast with all kinds of tasty fruits and delicious snacks. Max, being quick and agile, climbed up the tree to gather some ripe mangoes, while Polly entertained everyone with her sweet songs. Tommy, though slow, moved with grace and shared his fascinating tales of jungle adventures.

          As they were enjoying their picnic, a small, colorful butterfly fluttered by. The butterfly had been watching them from afar and was feeling a bit lonely. Seeing the group having so much fun, it hesitated for a moment before asking, “Can I join your picnic?”

          Ella’s eyes sparkled with kindness as she replied, “Of course, everyone is welcome here!” She made a place for the butterfly on the blanket and introduced it to her friends.

          The butterfly was overjoyed and brought with it a bouquet of vibrant flowers. The flowers added a splash of colour to their picnic, and everyone admired their beauty. The butterfly’s arrival made the picnic even more delightful. They all played games together—Max and the butterfly had a race, Polly taught the butterfly some songs, and Tommy told a story about a magical butterfly he had once met.

          As the sun started to set, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink, Ella and her friends began to pack up. They felt happy and satisfied, knowing they had shared a wonderful day together. They promised to have another picnic soon and to continue making wonderful memories.

          Ella looked around at her friends and felt a warm glow in her heart. She knew that the joy of spending time with loved ones made every moment special.

What is the moral of Elephant and Friends Story?

         The best moments in life are made even better when shared with friends. True happiness comes from the kindness and generosity we show to others, and the joy of making new friends along the way.

“There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family.”

Summary of Elephant and Friends Story (Elephant and Friends Story in Short)

Summary of Elephant and Friends Story (Elephant and Friends Story in Short)

         In a jungle, there was a kind elephant named Ella invites her friends Max the monkey, Polly the parrot, and Tommy the turtle to a picnic. They enjoy their picnic with delicious food, songs. A lonely butterfly sees them and asks them can I also join in your picnic, and Ella welcomes it warmly. The butterfly brings vibrant flowers, adding joy to their day. They play games and share happy moments. As the sun sets, they promise to picnic again, cherishing the special time spent together.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the story of elephant and friends?

The story is about Ella, a kind elephant, who organizes a picnic with her friends Max the monkey, Polly the parrot, and Tommy the turtle. They share a wonderful day together, enjoying food, games, and stories. A lonely butterfly joins them, bringing vibrant flowers and more joy to the picnic. As the day ends, they all feel happy and promise to make more memories together.

The moral of the story is about the joy of kindness and inclusion. Ella’s welcoming nature shows that sharing and being inclusive can bring happiness to everyone involved, enriching friendships and creating wonderful memories.

An elephant short story typically centers on the adventures and interactions of an elephant character. In this story, Ella the elephant organizes a picnic with her friends, demonstrating kindness, friendship, and the joy of inclusiveness as they welcome a lonely butterfly to join them.

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