How To Score 90% In Class 10th | Best 13 Tips

How To Score 90% In Class 10th
How To Score 90% In Class 10th

1. Textbook Reading:

  • Textbook reading is one of the best ways for students to more than Score 90% in Board Exams. Every top-scoring student who Score 90% above first refers to reading textbooks instead of any other guides or notes.
  • There are several reasons why textbook reading is necessary:
    1. Textbooks cover all the minute topics and syllabus, helping one solve questions based on textbook concepts.
    2. Textbooks typically include solved examples and exercises, aiding in grasping theoretical concepts and developing important skills like problem-solving and critical thinking.
    3. Regularly reading textbooks benefits one in understanding the exam format and the types of questions that will be asked.
  • It’s essential not to rely solely on external notes because the Board prefers answers related to textual concepts. While rereading textbooks, one should use highlighters of different colors to mark the main points and formulas, ensuring they remember to use these points while writing answers.

2. Solve Textbook Questions :

Alongside reading textbooks, one should also practice solving textbook questions. These questions, given in the book, have high chances of appearing in the exam, covering all the main concepts of the lesson.

3. Focus on Languages (to score 90% & above):

  • Scoring well in languages is the secret to achieving Score 90% or above in boards, as everyone tends to get score 90% in math and science. The major extra point is scoring well in languages, which increases your overall percentage.
  • Students often don’t write down answers but tend to read and learn. However, they may make minor grammatical mistakes, giving the paper checker a reason to cut marks. To score above 90%, it’s crucial to reduce all small mistakes.

4. Weightage-Wise Topic Questions:

  • In every chapter, some important parts or topics are repeated in previous years’ question papers. Covering these topics increases the chances of scoring well. Sometimes, there may be only 1 or 2 questions from one chapter and 5-6 questions from another chapter because that particular chapter includes many important topics.
  • Students can also respect and find the importance by looking for the concepts used in further studies. Until the 10th grade, it’s basic information about the topic. For example, photosynthesis is something studied from the 7th standard, delving deeper until the 12th standard, and in a biology major, one can study it in more detail.

5. Give Prelims (Minimum 5 on Board Sheet):

  • Students are often scared of giving full tests, fearing lower marks. However, there are many advantages to giving prelims:
    1. Habit: Adapting a habit of sitting for 2-3 hours for language paper.
    2. Questions Covered: Giving prelims covers a variety of questions, making them more firm in your mind.
    3. Learning from Mistakes: This is the time to identify answers learned a week ago that cannot be recalled, indicating which chapter to revise more.
    4. Avoiding Errors: Before the main board exams, solving past papers on a board sheet helps understand how to do the presentation. It’s preferred to solve the paper with a proper barcode and sticker to avoid messing with sticking or covering the barcode, saving time during the actual exam.
  • The minimum paper should be of 36 marks, and languages should be of 72 marks.

6. Best of Five:

  • There is a Best of 5 rules in the SSC Maharashtra Board. You need to appear for 6 subjects for the SSC Board Exam. Your percentage will be calculated based on your top 5 highest scored subjects. For SSC Board, regional language is compulsory in Best of 5.
  • For example, if you scored 94 in Maths, 91 in Science, Score 90 in Social Science, 88 in Marathi, 86 in English, and 85 in Hindi, taking out the percentage of all 6 subjects would give you 89%, but considering only the Best 5 subjects would result in Score 90%.
  • This Best of 5 rule is also present for CBSE Board, but the compulsory nature of the regional language depends. It’s important to remember that the Best of 5 rule applies only to a student’s personal assessment and does not apply to the final certificate issued by CBSE. Along with the overall percentage and grade earned, the student’s marks in each of the six topics will be displayed on their CBSE class 10 certificate.

7. Focus on Paper Presentation and Diagrams (to score 90% and above) :

  • In Maharashtra Board exams, how you organize your answers on paper is crucial. A good presentation silently convinces the examiner, moderator, and chief moderator that you really understand the subject. Spend time making your answers look good; it’s like making your thoughts clear and easy to see on paper.
  • What you write is important, but how you present it adds extra shine and glow to your content.
  • Use neat margins on both sides of the paper and top and bottom. Draw lines before and after each answer. Start a new main question on a new page. Box out your diagrams. Use a simple strikethrough instead of scribbling if you mess up anything. Underline important keywords in your answer. Make your pen work neatly and let your answers sparkle, not just for what you know but also for how well you present it.

8. Health and Meditation:

  • Imagine your brain as a supercharged bike. To keep it running at its best, you need good fuel like healthy food and enough sleep (around 7-8 hours). Skipping breakfast or pulling all-nighters can make your brain stall, just like a bike sputters. So, load up on veggies, fruits, and whole grains!
  • Even with good fuel, a bike needs smooth steering. That’s where meditation comes in. Spend just 10-15 minutes a day, and it works wonders. Picture stress as pesky squirrels trying to distract you. Meditation helps you gently shoo them away, leaving your mind clear and focused. And here’s a bonus – imagine acing that tricky math problem or nailing that essay; it boosts your confidence too!

9. Make Daily Timetable and Goal:

Establishing a daily timetable and setting realistic goals is crucial for achieving a score 90% score in board exams. Begin by allocating dedicated time slots for each subject based on your strengths and weaknesses. Break down study sessions into periods with short breaks to maintain focus.

Define clear, specific goals for each study session, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all subjects. Prioritize subjects that require more attention, allocating sufficient time to challenging topics. Incorporate regular sessions to reinforce learning, provide support, and enhance memory.

Maintain an overall sense of well-being by balancing sleep, exercise, and enjoyable relaxation activities. Dedicate time to practice sample papers and simulated tests to familiarize yourself with exam conditions and refine time management skills.

Consistency is paramount, so adhere to the timetable diligently. Regularly monitor your progress and make adjustments as necessary. Stay positive, adopt a growth mindset, and celebrate small victories along the way. With dedication, effective planning, and focused execution, achieving a score 90% in board exams becomes an attainable goal.

10. Extra Marks for Sports and Elementary Exam:

In Maharashtra, students have the opportunity to earn additional marks in their SSC board exams beyond academic achievements. For sports enthusiasts, participation in national or international tournaments and securing a top-three position in nationals can result in up to 25 bonus marks, while state-level participation grants 20 marks.





How can I stay motivated and focused throughout the academic year?

Set goals you can actually reach, not something impossible.
Break big things into smaller, easier chunks.
Treat yourself for doing good work along the way.
Be around people who cheer you on.
Remember why you’re working hard 

Are there any effective study techniques for memorising answers?

Use tricks to remember things, like funny phrases or songs.
Make mind maps to connect ideas like a web.
Imagine pictures or stories in your head to remember facts.
Use flashcards or test yourself to see if you learned it.

How can I improve my writing skills for subjects like English and Hindi?

Read a lot of different things to get better at writing.
Try writing different things often, like stories, letters, and quick recaps.
Make sure your writing is proper and uses interesting words.
Ask your teacher or friends to look at your writing and tell you what they think.

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