Exploring The ASER Report 2023


The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) has been a valuable source of information about rural India’s educational system for many years. In 2023, the focus shifted to examining the goals, abilities, and difficulties faced by teens in the 14–18 age range, moving beyond the limits of primary schooling. The paper, titled “Beyond Basics,” gives us a complex understanding of this important age group and leaves us with a lot of questions.

Who Publishes ASER Report?

The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) is biennially published by the NGO Pratham, since 2005. The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) is a citizen-led household survey 

What is ASER?

The Pratham Foundation’s Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2023 presents a mixed image of rural India’s educational environment. Even while learning outcomes in certain courses have improved, there are still a lot of hurdles to overcome, especially when it comes to basic abilities like mathematics and reading.

The ASER examination focuses on children’s basic education and schooling across states and districts in rural India. It is an all-country survey. It was first published annually, but as of 2016, it is now published every two years.

The research project that was conducted in 2023 was on children in rural India, aged 14 to 18, with a specific focus on their goals and their capacity to apply arithmetic and reading abilities to everyday settings. The main goal of the most recent survey was to gather data on many facets of youth development in rural India that would be useful to stakeholders from various sectors for informing practice and policy.

For More Information visit Asercentre.com

Why Focus On the 14-18 Age Group?

Most students finish Std VIII by the time they turn 14, but the Right to Education Act (RTE) makes sure free and compulsory education up to that point. Before youngsters become 18 and become adults, it is essential to understand the paths that primary school graduates take after graduation. Their future success on the social, professional, and personal faces depends on how ready they are for their adult duties.

According to ASER 2017 results, many young people in this older age group still struggle with basic reading and math skills. Approximately 25% of children in this age range were unable to read a simple paragraph proficiently in their native tongue in 2017. More than half were unable to conclude basic division problems between three and one digits. The majority of young people had trouble understanding written instructions and doing financial calculations when it came to applied literacy and numeracy abilities.

Key Findings of ASER 2023

  • Increasing Enrollment: 86.8% of people aged 14 to 18 are enrolled in school overall. For children ages 14 and 18, the rate of unenrolled kids is 3.9% and 32.6%, respectively.
  • Aspirations: According to the study, the two professions that boys and young men in the sample most frequently selected were the police (13.6%) and the army (13.8%).
  • The most popular professions: among the girls and young women asked were teacher (16%) and doctor (14.8%).
  • Choice of Streams: Most people in this age group were enrolled in the Arts/Humanities streams. 
  • Status Of Vocational Training: Only 5.6% of surveyed youth are taking vocational training or other related courses.
  • Foundational Skills: About 25% of this age group (14-18) still cannot read a Std II level text fluently in their regional language.
  • Application in Daily Life: Approximately two-thirds of young people who can read at least a text written at the Std I level can respond to at least three of the four questions by reading and comprehending written directions.
  • Digital Access: Nearly 90% of young people live in households with smartphones and are good users. Compared to men, women are less likely to know how to operate a computer or smartphone.
  • Communication and Online Safety: Out of all the young people who use social media, only around half are aware of the settings for online safety that were asked about in the poll.

ASER 2023 Recommendations

  • Focus on Foundational Skills: The report emphasizes the need to prioritize foundational skills like reading, writing, and basic math in early grades. This requires effective teaching methodologies, quality learning materials, and regular assessments to track progress.
  • Bridging the Gender Gap: Targeted interventions like girls’ education programs and gender-sensitive teaching practices can help bridge the gap in learning outcomes between boys and girls.
  • Resolving Socioeconomic Issues: Providing additional support to children from disadvantaged backgrounds, including scholarships, remedial classes, and access to technology, can help level the playing field.
  • Making Use of Technology: The report highlights the potential of technology to improve learning outcomes, particularly in rural areas. Initiatives like digital literacy programs and educational apps can be harnessed to supplement traditional classroom learning.


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Politicians educators, and other stakeholders can assess the state of education in rural India and highlight areas for development with the help of ASER 2023. We can attempt to provide high-quality education for every kid, irrespective of their location or background, by tackling the issues brought forward in the study.


What is the latest ASER report 2023?

According to the ASER 2023 statistics, over 85% of teenagers (aged 14–18) in the assessed rural regions are currently enrolled in an educational program. But along with this admirable advancement, pressure on people and institutions is intensifying.

Who conducts the ASER survey?

Pratham introduced the first ASER survey in 2005.
India’s non-profit Pratham has been working with children in hundreds of rural and urban slums since 1996.


Since 2005, the NGO Pratham’s Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) has been recording trends in school enrollment, attendance, and reading and arithmetic abilities among children ages 6-14 years in rural areas of the country.

What is the status of education in India?

In India, the adult literacy rate is 69.3%. By 2030, it is projected that around 20 universities from India’s higher education system would be among the top 200 globally.

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